Acting Business Courses

As most of you know, I’m a working actress! Acting is my bread and butter. I’ve learned a lot about this wonderful business over the decade and a half I’ve been doing it. So much that I feel it’s only right to share my knowledge with you all! I’ve got 3 courses coming out on Teachable very soon:

Getting Into Acting: First StepsOUT NOW!

This is the course to take if you have no prior acting experience and want to hit the ground running. I walk you through every step; from making your first ever reel to getting an agent or manager. You can check out this newly minted course here on Teachable!

How to Master Actors Access

This is the course that’ll get you so many more auditions, selftapes, and bookings. You’ll gain a complete knowledge of how to use Actors Access to help casting directors cast you.

How to Make Money in Acting

This is a high-vibe, manifestational, positive mindset course that’ll get you in the receiving mode to make money with your acting. Believe and you will receive. You’ll achieve an attitude to facilitate making more money with your acting than ever before.

How do I sign up?

The last two aren’t released yet, but these courses will be on Teachable very soon. To be the first to know when they’re released (and the first to find out about sales!) sign up for my email list here: