Acting Resources, Behind the Scenes, Career Preparation, Self Care

20 Things To Do If You’re a Bored Actor!

Here are 20 fun ideas that you can do at home during the quarantine! Let's have some fun!

Acting Resources, Behind the Scenes, Career Preparation, Self Care

How/Why to Make a Vision Board – My Journey with Visualizing My Perfect Life

My previous vision board had exotic beaches, a giant theater packed with people, and money on it. Can you guess what happened next?

How to prevent and get over a cold featured image
Self Care

Preventing/Getting Over a Tech Week Cold

I used to get sick every single time I was about to perform a show, but now I avoid that with these tips! Whether you have to get over a cold QUICK or you want to prevent it from happening in the first place, this is the article for you!

How I cleared up my acne featured photo
Self Care

How to Clear Up Your Acne—How I Got Clear Skin After 6 Months of Daily Stage Makeup

Everything that helped me clear up my acne after 6 months of thick, heavy stage makeup.