Acting Resources, Auditions/Performances

What Days do Auditions and Callbacks Usually Fall on? – with Donut Charts

I got to wondering the other day because of Bell Blogging’s changed post schedule (we post on Tuesdays now, not Mondays!), when exactly do I get the most auditions? What day of the week is proven busier? Which is the most laid-back? In this article, I’ll detail exactly how many auditions I got throughout 2019 on which days. And I include callbacks, too! I’ll also talk about the audition-to-callback ratio, since we’ve got the numbers handy!

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I’ve split them up into TV/Film and Musical Theater (which includes Theater), because to me, they are different beasts altogether. Also, I’ve included all of them together for one big master donut chart.

TV/Film Audition & Callback Days

Up first is TV/Film with a whopping 61 auditions/callbacks in total! Very excited about that number. I didn’t get my TV/Film agent until June of 2019, so I’m planning to double this number in 2020.

These auditions have mostly been EcoCasts (selftapes in Actors-Access-speak), so I marked down when they were due as the day of the week they fell on. As the picture depicts, the TV/Film auditions mostly fall on Fridays, with some on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, less on Wednesday and Saturday, and almost none on Thursdays. Maybe I should change the blog post day again??

But when you’re looking at the callbacks, I mainly got them on Mondays, some on Thursdays, and less on Wednesdays. There were literally no callbacks that fell on a Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, which feels so opposite from the audition days.

Notice the numbers.

Out of 53 auditions, I got 8 callbacks. My mom has always told me that acting is a numbers game, just like sales. She used to say, every 10 auditions, you’ll get a callback, and every 10 callbacks, you’ll get the job. Let’s do some math. 53 auditions divided by 8 callbacks is 6.625, so we can approximate:

Every 7 auditions, you’ll get a callback.

How many of these did I actually book? Let me reach into my resume… Ooh, that’s tricky. I booked 7 things, but only auditioned for 4 and was called back for 2. I’ll go off of the things I auditioned for. (This is like weighted and unweighted GPA. Don’t you think?)

Every 2 callbacks, you’ll get a job!

Maybe I’m a little hopeful. What’s wrong with being hopeful?

Musical Theater Audition & Callback Days

Next is Musical Theater. As I said earlier, I threw Theater in with this category, because I get so little straight-play Theater auditions that I can count them on one hand! Here, we have 29 total auditions/callbacks! Not bad. There’s a big disconnect between TV/Film numbers and Musical Theater numbers, which I find interesting.

This one is crazy to me, because where we had almost no TV/Film auditions on Thursdays, Musical Theater auditions take Monday and Thursday as the busiest days. Some fall on Tuesday and Wednesday, less on Friday, and barely any on Saturday and Sunday.

For callbacks, Monday has the most, we have some on Thursday and Friday, less on Wednesday, and none at all on Tuesday, Saturday, or Sunday. Theater people aren’t weekend people, I suppose… Or they’re really weekend people.

Let’s get those numbers.

21 auditions divided by 8 callbacks:

Every 3 auditions, you’ll get a callback.

Booked Macbeth! (If you’re interested in the 3-part interview I did with Lady M, click here!)

Every 8 callbacks, you’ll get a job!

Wow! Look at that. Where for TV/Film I got 7 auditions to the callback, and 2 callbacks to the job, this is almost the perfect inverse. So I get more callbacks with Musical Theater, but more jobs with TV/Film. Gotta love the numbers!

The Whole Shebang

Lastly, I’ve put every type of audition and callback that I’ve had this past year together in one graph. There’s no point in saying Thursday is my most laid-back day when it comes to TV/Film if Musical Theater is going to swoop in and claim it as their busy day. We need absolute truth!

First of all, I think it’s fun to visually see the difference between the two art forms. TV/Film takes up most of my time! Nice to know! Now when people ask me what I do most, I have an answer.

Mondays and Fridays are my busiest days. People like scheduling on those days. Why? I’ll have to ask next time I’m in acting class. Maybe there’s an answer out there. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are less packed. Then, I have very little on Saturdays and Sundays. Look! I get some weekends! Woohoo!

What about these numbers?

74 total auditions, 16 total callbacks.

Every 5 auditions, you’ll get a callback!

Booked 5 jobs total off of auditions and callbacks.

Every 3 callbacks, you’ll get a job!

I love numbers! Let’s get that bread! (Says the girl with a gluten intolerance.)

Mondays and Fridays are busy! Saturdays and Sundays, not so much.

I hope you liked this article and found it helpful! You can do exactly the same thing with your numbers or just use mine as a reference. You do you, boo. Let me know in the comments if you made some graphs of some sort, let’s compare and chat!

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